Saturday, February 15, 2014

SCARF Digs In!

A great organization is one step closer to achieving their goal...

So excited, mom slightly jumped the gun!
On January 17th, 2014, a baseball's toss away from the Hope Community Church in Andover Kansas, six yellow shovels nicely lined up in a row, stuck into the ground, were waiting for their cue.

The church was not expanding or putting in a baseball diamond, but some serious digging was going to ensue. This plot of land on the back of the church's property, lined with sporadic yet gigantic bales of hay, was earmarked for another purpose. A cause that will 100% positively affect children in the area.

The missing hard hat was likely on mom's head already
You see, Hope Community Church was gracious enough to donate a portion of their land to serve as the home base for the Sunshine Children's Home, a place that will serve as a beacon of safety and security for abused children in need of placement services in Butler, Elk and Greenwood counties.

SCARF, which stands for Sunlight Children's Advocacy & Rights Foundation, has a simple mission: To provide resources and facilities that support and protect abused and neglected children and their families. It is a truly amazing cause, supported by some of the most passionate and kind-hearted individuals in the child services community. The board and staff generously donate their time and effort to victims of abuse, a cause that though rewarding at times, can be utterly gut-wrenching.

The stories they hear...the families torn apart...the children who don't deserve the trauma they have experienced, or the emotional burden they will carry for years, until they slowly begin to understand and seek resolution. The unfortunate ones who never achieve such clarity.

If you want to learn more about SCARF, I highly recommend you read my post on their hugely successful fundraiser, the Buckaroo Ball. I go into detail about the organization, their goals, their mission what the future holds. You can also visit their site (and make a donation!) here: Every. Dollar. Counts!

Improving the lives of these children and their families is a responsibility the members of SCARF's board and staff take seriously, and their philanthropic goals WILL result in an amazing refuge for those who need it most. The groundbreaking ceremony was one more step on the years-long journey that will culminate in the sanctuary below, a safe-haven for victims of abuse to take advantage of when they're at their most vulnerable, and simply in need of a place to talk to a friendly face while they evaluate their unstable situation.

BIG thanks to the sponsors, including Safelite AutoGlass, for providing post-groundbreaking refreshments!

The ceremony itself took place on a blustery day, with winds forcing the larger-than-expected crowd to huddle around the six luminaries eager to dig into the ground. Though not intentional, the closeness of the group gave the ceremony a very warm, communal vibe. In a moment that swells our collective family heart with pride, the Executive Director of SCARF, Suzi Thien, aka mom, took to the microphone and began the proceedings.

Valiantly fighting her emotions, losing just once as the sheer enormity of the event overtook her, she introduced the attentive onlookers to the SCARF board and staff, as well as the local law enforcement and political figures who also play a huge role in the success of the organization, advocating for children's rights from their own unique position.

Opening ceremonies

Recognizing SCARF staff members

The onlooking crowd, and TV cameras


Some final words

Digging in

Some final interviews before the end of the ceremony
If the groundbreaking ceremony illustrated one primary point, it was that this truly is a group effort. Here is what SCARF needs to exist: Administrators; Directors; Staff; Volunteers; Assistance from Law Enforcement, Social Workers, the Court System, Local Politics and donors, donors, donors. Did I mention Donors!

Here is what SCARF has: ALL OF THAT!

And with that in mind, it was heart-warming to see my mother, Suzi Thien, the most caring and compassionate woman that I know, shaking hands with the law enforcement officials, hugging members of the board and staff, and doing on-air interviews with local TV stations.

The media queen

All while still wearing her SCARF-branded yellow hard hat! It was a scene that our family will never forget, and momentous that, after knowing her for (literally) my entire life, I continue to be inspired by her efforts and work, her passion.

The family joke is that once the Children's Home is completed, she won't know what do to with herself, because getting to this place has required so much of her, both physically and emotionally. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it will have the opposite effect. Once the oversized scissors cut through the decorative ribbon and the doors to the home open, they're going to have to pry her off of the porch.

In fact, someone should donate a rocking chair, so at least she's comfortable while manning her post. Better make it two...because she has a lot of stories to share, and no matter who you are, no matter why you're there, she's going to want to sit and talk with you. Make you feel at home. Listen to you. Allow you to begin the healing process.

Soon enough, SCARF and the Sunlight Children's Home will open its doors, and fulfill a dream shared by many. With pledges and In-Kind donations of over $2.4 Million (amazing, right!), they are a mere $66,000 from their goal. No doubt they will surpass that at this year's Buckaroo Ball, however if you feel compelled, you can add to their coffers, here: DONATIONS. I know people who have spent more on their car, for heaven's sake! It seems rote to say, but every donation, big or small, does count. I guarantee you that SCARF can spend a couple grand much better than you can.

I want to personally thank everyone on the SCARF board and staff, as well as the many volunteers and local officials working with this program, for all of your support. You are doing something tangible, that will help those in need. Your efforts are immeasurable, and the hope you bring to this cause is inspiring. You've helped more individuals than you could every quantify, and that number will only increase. The world needs more selfless individuals like yourselves.

Thank you!